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Nativex Shortlisted for the 2022 ROI Business Creativity Awards

Nativex is happy to announce it’s a finalist for the upcoming 2022 ROI Business Creativity Awards!

Founded in 2008 in Shanghai, China, the ROI Awards are now Asia’s largest and most prestigious awards for business creativity. The number of companies entered in this year’s competition has exceeded 1,000 for the first time, standing at 1,135 with a record-high increase of 47% from 771 last year.

With over 1,000 entries, this year’s ROI Awards have been the largest yet. Native was nominated for XMP, our one-stop multi-channel advertising platform, and how it helped mobile game developer, Eyewind. XMP by Nativex highlights the role of technology in marketing data management by providing data analysis and targeted media buying. Additionally, XMP also offers batch ad automation giving Eyewind optimized marketing operations. 

About XMP 

As a one-stop multi-channel intelligent tool, XMP uses APIs to integrate with key digital marketing platforms such as Meta, Google, TikTok For Business, Tencent Advertising, Ocean Engine, Kwai For Business, Mintegral, and AppLovin, as well as mobile measurement partners (MMPs) and unified ad monetization platforms. Thanks to XMP, advertisers can manage multiple digital marketing channels at once and achieve batch ad placement, intelligent management, and a closed-loop ecosystem to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of media buying.

Embrace creativity and reach global market users

As competition intensifies for gaming publishers’ efforts to go global, web monetization alone is no longer the magic bullet for sustainable growth.

Take Eyewind, for example – specializing in casual game development with titles including Find Out, Case Hunter, and Brain Find. Eyewind now defines “creative R&D” as its core competitive edge and utilized XMP to strengthen the ad iteration process for both its apps and media-buying. Amid a growing number of Eyewind products and regions, the efficiency and effectiveness of media buying were key to its success. 

With XMP, Eyewind now had access to multiple data channels, regions, and ad products – all unified in one platform. XMP continues to help Eyewind’s games iterate and target with flexible media buying strategies.

According to XMP’s R&D team, IAA (in-app advertising) products, like those developed by Eyewind, face a fundamental challenge. Media buying and ad monetization are two interdependent engines of growth. However, their management is usually handled by two different teams. So how can companies bypass these hurdles to secure a free flow of data and rapid ROI growth?

The multi-channel platform of XMP is here to help by optimizing their ad placement using LTV and ROAS data on XMP. As creative content undergoes daily iteration, XMP’s monetization data solutions provide creative management and serve as an intelligent tool for media buying.

“Media-buying automation is the future, and the driving force is the demand from advertisers for precision media buying. Automation comes from a deep understanding of user needs and technological advances.

“Based on our years of experience in media buying and IAA growth requirements, our XMP platform introduces third-party attribution data and connects buying data with monetization data. With XMP, our product design, media buying, and monetization teams have integrated data management and thus can optimize growth strategies more swiftly and accurately.” said Guo Meng, Director of Customer Growth at Nativex.

Liang Bingjia, Co-founder and COO of Eyewind, also noted the advantages of XMP. “In this Eyewind operation project, Nativex has equipped us with more than just a tool or a dashboard. Our buying and monetization teams have benefited greatly from XMP by presenting various ad channels and its features have empowered our marketing operations.”

In addition to intelligent media buying, Nativex is a one-stop marketing agency – covering clients’ entire marketing strategy, including ad placement, creatives, and AdTech, to power the growth of developers and brands worldwide.

  • Ad placement: Nativex is the official partner of major media platforms such as TikTok For Business, Meta, Google, and Kwai for Business to provide advertisers with professional ad optimization services.
  • TopWorks Creative Studios: Nativex provides localized creative insights for local markets to maximize growth.
  • KOL marketing and social media marketing: With the help of our regional studio network, Nativex also offers influencer marketing to ensure social media content caters to local markets.


About Nativex

Nativex is a leading digital marketing agency providing advertisers access to the world’s top traffic channels. Nativex helps brands and apps worldwide through a suite of automated user acquisition tools, influencer marketing services, and creative customization capabilities. With 17 offices globally, Nativex provides exceptional services to 3,000+ clients from 60+ countries and regions worldwide. Nativex is also a brand under Mobvista, a platform with years of experience in global mobile marketing.

Contact the Nativex team today to start your journey to success!